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the ventory 注释标题 the “ventory” was addressed to r aitken of ayr, surveyor of taxes for the district

answer to a andate by the surveyor of the taxes

sir, as your andate did reest,

i send you here a faithfu&039; list,

o&039; gudes an&039; ar, an&039; a&039; y graith,

to which i&039; clear to gi&039;e y aith

ipriis, then, for carria cattle,

i hae four brutes o&039; galnt ttle,

as ever drew afore a pettle

y hand-afore &039;s a guid auld has-been,

an&039; wight an&039; wilfu&039; a&039; his days been:

y hand-ah &039;s a weel gaun fillie,

that aft has borne ha frae killie

an&039; your auld borough ony a ti

days when ridg was nae cri

but ance, when y woog pride

i, like a blockhead, boost to ride,

the wilfu&039; creature sae i pat to,

(lord pardon a&039; y ss, an&039; that too!)

i py&039;d y fillie sic a shavie,

she&039;s a&039; bedevil&039;d wi&039; the spavie

y furr-ah &039;s a wordy beast,

as e&039;er tug or tow was traced

the fourth&039;s a highnd donald hastle,

a dan&039;d red-wud kilburnie bstie!

foreby a wt, o&039; wts the wale,

as ever ran afore a tail:

g he be spar&039;d to be a beast,

he&039;ll draw fifteen pund at least

wheel-carrias i ha&039;e but few,

three carts, an&039; a are feckly new;

an auld wheelbarrow, air for token,

ae leg an&039; baith the tras are broken;

i ade a poker o&039; the sp&039;le,

an&039; y auld ither brunt the tr&039;le

for n, i&039;ve three ischievo boys,

run-deils for rantg an&039; for noise;

a gaudsan ane, a thrasher t&039; other:

wee davock hauds the nowt fother

i rule the as i ought, discreetly,

an&039; aften bour the pletely;

an&039; aye on sundays duly, nightly,

i on the estions tar the tightly;

till, faith! wee davock&039;s gro

