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A T Th U G O Th R(1 / 2)

address to the un guid, or the rigidly righteo

y n, these axis ake a rule,

an&039; p the aye thegither;

the rigid righteo is a fool,

the rigid wise anither:

the cleanest rn that ere was dight

ay hae pyles o&039; caff ;

ne&039;er a fellow-creature slight

for rando fits o&039; daff

(loon—eles ch vii verse 16)

o ye wha are sae guid yoursel&039;,

sae pio and sae holy,

ye&039;ve nought to do but ark and tell

your neibours&039; fauts and folly!

whase life is like a weel-gaun ill,

supplied wi&039; store o&039; water;

the heaped happer&039;s ebbg still,

an&039; still the cp pys ctter

hear , ye venerable re,

as unsel for poor ortals

that freent pass douce wisdo&039;s door

for gikit folly&039;s portals:

i, for their thoughtless, careless sakes,

would here propone defences—

their donsie tricks, their bck istakes,

their failgs and ischances

ye see your state wi&039; theirs pared,

and shudder at the niffer;

but cast a ont&039;s fair regard,

what aks the ighty differ;

disunt what scant oasion gave,

that purity ye pride ;

and (what&039;s aft air than a&039; the ve),

your better art o&039; hid

thk, when your castigated pulse

gies now and then a wallop!

what raggs t his ves nvulse,

that still eternal gallop!

wi&039; d and tide fair i&039; your tail,

right on ye scud your sea-way;

but the teeth o&039; baith to sail,

it aks a un lee-way

see cial life and glee sit down,

all joyo and unthkg,

till, ite transugrified, they&039;re grown

debauchery and drkg:

o would they stay to calcute

th&039; eternal nseences;

or your ore dreaded hell to state,

danation of expenses!

ye high, exalted, virtuo das,

tied up godly ces,

before ye

