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Th A h E C A P(1 / 4)

the author&039;s earnest cry and prayer

to the right honourable and honourable stch

representatives the hoe of ons

dearest of distiltion! st and best—

—how art thou lost!—

parody on ilton

ye irish lords, ye knights an&039; sires,

wha represent our brughs an&039; shires,

an&039; doucely ana our affairs


to you a siple poet&039;s pray&039;rs

are hubly sent

as! y roupit e is hearse!

your honours&039; hearts wi&039; grief &039;ad pierce,

to see her sitt on her arse

low i&039; the dt,

and scriechhout prosaic verse,

an like to brt!

tell the wha hae the chief direction,

stnd an&039; &039;s great affliction,

e&039;er s&039; they id that curst restriction

on aa-vitae;

an&039; roe the up to strong nviction,

an&039; ove their pity

stand forth an&039; tell yon preier youth

the honest, open, naked truth:

tell hi o&039; e an&039; stnd&039;s drouth,

his servants huble:

the uckle deevil bw you uth

if ye disseble!

does ony great an gnch an&039; gloo?

speak out, an&039; never fash your thub!

let posts an&039; pensions sk or o

wi&039; the wha grant the;

if honestly they canna e,

far better want the

gath&039;r votes you were na sck;

now stand as tightly by your tack:

ne&039;er cw your g, an&039; fid your back,

an&039; hu an&039; haw;

but raise your ar, an&039; tell your crack

before the a&039;

pat stnd greet owre her thrissle;

her utchk stowp as too&039;s a whissle;

an&039; dan&039;d excisen a bsle,

seiz a stell,

triuphant crh&039;t like a sel,

or lipet shell!

then, on the tither hand present her—

a bckguard suggler right beht her,

an&039; cheek-for-chow, a chuffie vtner

lleagug jo,

pickg her pouch as bare as ter

