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Th T D(1 / 6)

the a dogs 注释标题 ath was burns&039; own dog

a tale

&039;as that pce o&039; stnd&039;s isle,

that bears the na o&039; auld kg il,

upon a bonie day june,

when wear&039; thro&039; the afternoon,

a dogs, that were na thrang at ha,

father&039;d ance upon a ti

the first i&039;ll na, they ca&039;d hi caesar,

was keepit for his honor&039;s pleasure:

his hair, his size, his outh, his gs,

shew&039;d he was nane o&039; stnd&039;s dogs;

but whalpit pce far abroad,

whare sailors gang to fish for d

his locked, letter&039;d, braw brass lr

shew&039;d hi the ntlean an&039; schor;

but though he was o&039; high degree,

the fient a pride, nae pride had he;

but wad hae spent an hour caress,

ev&039;n wi&039; al tkler-gipsy&039;s ss:

at kirk or arket, ill or siddie,

nae tawted tyke, tho&039; e&039;er sae duddie,

but he wad stan&039;t, as gd to see hi,

an&039; stroan&039;t on stanes an&039; hillocks wi&039; hi

the tither was a ploughan&039;s llie—

a rhyg, rantg, ravg billie,

wha for his friend an&039; rade had hi,

and freak had ath ca&039;d hi,

after dog highnd sang,

was ade ng syne,—lord knows how ng

he was a gash an&039; faithfu&039; tyke,

as ever p a sheugh or dyke

his honest, nsie, baws&039;nt face

aye gat hi friends ilka pce;

his breast was white, his touzie back

weel cd wi&039; at o&039; glossy bck;

his gawsie tail, wi&039; uard curl,

hung owre his hurdie&039;s wi&039; a swirl

nae doubt but they were fa o&039; ither,

and un pack an&039; thick thegither;

wi&039; cial nose whiles snuff&039;d an&039; snowkit;

whiles ice an&039; oudieworts they howkit;

whiles sur&039;d awa&039; ng excursion,

an&039; worry&039;d ither diversion;

until wi&039; daff&039; weary grown


