
搜索 繁体

G(5 / 27)

ide hiself

bye attour (ie, by and attour), beside and at a distance

byke, a bees&039; nest; a hive; a swar; a crowd

byre, a w-hoe

ca&039;, call, knock, drive

cadr, a hawker (especially of fish)

cadie, caddie, a fellow

caff, chaff

caird, a tker

calf-ward, grazg plot for calves (ie, churchyard)

caln, calnt, a striplg

caller, ol, refreshg

callet, a trull

ca, ca

canie, cannie, ntle, tractable, iet, prudent, careful

cankrie, crabbed

canna, can not

canniest, ietest

cannilie, cannily, ietly, prudently, cautioly

cantie, cheerful, lively, jolly, rry

cantraip, agic, witchg

cants, rry stories, canters or sprees or rry dogs

cape-stanc, pestone


care na by, do not care

carl, carle, a an, an old an

carl-hep, ale-hep

carlie, a anik

carl, carle a iddle-ad, or old, woan; a belda, a witch

caragnole, a violent jab

cartes, pyg-cards

cartie, di of cart

catch-the-pck, the hunt for oney

caudron, a caldron

cauf, calf

cauf-leather, calf-leather

cauk, chalk

cauld, ld

cauldron, caldron

caup, a wooden drkg vessel

caey-cleaners, caeway-cleaners

cavie, a hen-op

char, chaur, chaber

chan-hoe, tavern

chanter, bagpipes; the pipe of the bag-pipes which produces the

lody; ng

chap, a fellow, a young fellow

chap, to strike

chapan, a pedler

chaup, chap, a stroke, a blow

chear, cheer

chearfu&039;, cheerful

chearless, cheerless

cheary, cheery

cheek-for-chow, cheek-by-jowl (ie close beside)

cheep, peep, seak

chiel, chield (i e, child), a fellow, a young fellow

chi, chiney

chitterg, shiverg

chows, chews

chuck, a hen, a dear

chuckie, di of chuck, but ually signifies other hen,

