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A H h T A I L D(1 / 1)

a health to ane i loe dear

chor—here&039;s a health to ane i loe dear,

here&039;s a health to ane i loe dear;

thou art sweet as the sile when fond lovers et,

and ft as their partg tear—jessy

altho&039; thou aun never be e,

altho&039; even hope is denied;

&039;tis sweeter for thee despairg,

than ought the world beside—jessy

here&039;s a health, c

i ourn thro&039; the gay, gaudy day,

as hopeless i e on thy chars;

but wele the drea o&039; sweet sber,

for then i a lockt the ars—jessy

here&039;s a health, c

i guess by the dear anl sile,

i guess by the love-rollg e&039;e;

but why ur the tender nfession,

&039;gast fortune&039;s fell, cruel decree?—jessy

here&039;s a health, c

