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D H h G I Th ?(1 / 1)

does haughty gaul vasion threat?

tune—“ph about the joru”

does haughty gaul vasion threat?

then let the louns beware, sir;

there&039;s wooden walls upon our seas,

and vonteers on shore, sir:

the nith shall run to rsn,

and criffel sk lway,

ere we perit a foreign foe

on british ground to rally!

we&039;ll ne&039;er perit a foreign foe

on british ground to rally!

o let not, like snarlg curs,

wranglg be divided,

till, sp! e an un loun,

and wi&039; a rung decide it!

be brita still to brita true,

aang ourselves united;

for never but by british hands

aun british wrangs be righted!

no! never but by british hands

shall british wrangs be righted!

the kettle o&039; the kirk and state,

perhaps a clout ay fail &039;t;

but deil a foreign tkler loun

shall ever ca&039;a nail &039;t

our father&039;s bde the kettle bought,

and wha wad dare to spoil it;

by heav&039;ns! the sacrilegio dog

shall fuel be to boil it!

by heav&039;ns! the sacrilegio dog

shall fuel be to boil it!

the wretch that would a tyrant own,

and the wretch, his true-born brother,

who would set the ob aboon the throne,

ay they be dan&039;d tother!

who will not sg “god save the kg,”

shall hang as high&039;s the steeple;

but while we sg “god save the kg,”

we&039;ll ne&039;er fet the people!

but while we sg “god save the kg,”

we&039;ll ne&039;er fet the people!

