her answer
o tell na o&039; d an&039; ra,
upbraid na wi&039; cauld disda,
gae back the gate ye ca aga,
i na let ye , jo
chor—i tell you now this ae night,
this ae, ae, ae night;
and ance for a&039; this ae night,
i na let ye , jo
the snellest bst, at irkest hours,
that round the pathless wand&039;rer pours
is nocht to what poor she endures,
that&039;s trted faithless an, jo
i tell you now, c
the sweetest flower that deck&039;d the ad,
now trodden like the vilest weed—
let siple aid the lesn read
the weird ay be her a, jo
i tell you now, c
the bird that char&039;d his sur day,
is now the cruel fowler&039;s prey;
let witless, trtg, woan say
how aft her fate&039;s the sa, jo!
i tell you now, c