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M S N(1 / 1)

y spoe nancy

tune—“y jo ja”

“hband, hband, cease your strife,

nor lonr idly rave, sir;

tho&039; i a your wedded wife

yet i a not your sve, sir”

“one of o t still obey,

nancy, nancy;

is it an or woan, say,

y spoe nancy?&039;

“if &039;tis still the lordly word,

service and obedience;

i&039;ll desert y v&039;reign lord,

and , good bye, allegiance!”

“sad shall i be, bereft,

nancy, nancy;

yet i&039;ll try to ake a shift,

y spoe nancy”

“y poor heart, then break it t,

y st hour i a near it:

when you y the dt,

thk how you will bear it”

“i will hope and trt heaven,

nancy, nancy;

strength to bear it will be given,

y spoe nancy”

“well, sir, fro the silent dead,

still i&039;ll try to daunt you;

ever round your idnight bed

horrid sprites shall haunt you!”

“i&039;ll wed another like y dear

nancy, nancy;

then all hell will fly for fear,

y spoe nancy”

