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Th R h O W(1 / 2)

the rights of woan

an oasional address

spoken by iss fontenelle on her benefit night, noveber 26, 1792

while europe&039;s eye is fix&039;d on ighty thgs,

the fate of epires and the fall of kgs;

while acks of state t each produce his pn,

and even children lisp the rights of an;

aid this ighty fs jt let ntion,

the rights of woan rit attention

first, the sexes&039; terix&039;d nnection,

one sacred right of woan is, protection—

the tender flower that lifts its head, ete,

helpless, t fall before the bsts of fate,

sunk on the earth, defac&039;d its lovely for,

unless your shelter ward th&039; ipendg stor

our send right—but needless here is caution,

to keep that right viote&039;s the fashion;

each an of sense has it full before hi,

he&039;d die before he&039;d wrong it—&039;tis deru—

there was, deed, far less polish&039;d days,

a ti, when rough rude an had naughty ways,

would swagr, swear, t drunk, kick up a riot,

nay even th vade a dy&039;s iet

now, thank our stars! those gothic tis are fled;

now, well-bred n—and you are all well-bred—

ost jtly thk (and we are uch the gaers)

such nduct neither spirit, wit, nor anners

for right the third, our st, our best, our dearest,

that right to ftterg feale hearts the nearest;

which even the rights of kgs, low prostration,

ost hubly own—&039;tis dear, dear adiration!

that blest sphere alone we live and ove;

there taste that life of life—iortal love

siles, gnces, sighs, tears, fits, flirtations, airs;

&039;gast such an host what flty sava dares,

when awful beauty jos with all her chars—

who is rash as rise rebel ars?

but truce with kgs, and truce with nstitutions,

with bloody arants and revotions;

let ajesty your first attention suon,

ah! ca ira! th

