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A T Th Sh O Th(1 / 1)

address to the shade of thon

on crowng his bt at edna, roxburghshire, with a wreath of bays

while virg sprg by eden&039;s flood,

unfolds her tender antle green,

or pranks the d frolic ood,

or tunes eolian stras beeen

while sur, with a atron grace,

retreats to dryburgh&039;s olg shade,

yet oft, delighted, ss to trace

the progress of the spiky bde

while autun, benefactor kd,

by eed erects his ad head,

and sees, with self-approvg d,

each creature on his bounty fed

while aniac ter ras o&039;er

the hills whence cssic yarrow flows,

rog the turbid torrent&039;s roar,

or sweepg, wild, a waste of snows

long, sweet poet of the year!

shall bloo that wreath thou well hast won;

while stia, with exultg tear,

procis that thon was her n

