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C W(1 / 1)

craigieburn wood

sweet closes the ev&039;ng on craigieburn wood,

and blythely awaukens the orrow;

but the pride o&039; the sprg the craigieburn wood

can yield to nothg but rrow

chor—beyond thee, dearie, beyond thee, dearie,

and o to be lyg beyond thee!

o sweetly, undly, weel ay he sleep

that&039;s id the bed beyond thee!

i see the spreadg leaves and flowers,

i hear the wild birds sgg;

but pleasure they hae nane for ,

while care y heart is wrgg

beyond thee, c

i can na tell, i aun na tell,

i daur na for your anr;

but secret love will break y heart,

if i nceal it nr

beyond thee, c

i see thee gracefu&039;, straight and tall,

i see thee sweet and bonie;

but oh, what will y tornt be,

if thou refe thy johnie!

beyond thee, c

to see thee another&039;s ars,

love to lie and nguish,

&039;ad be y dead, that will be seen,

y heart wad burst wi&039; anguish

beyond thee, c

but jeanie, say thou wilt be e,

say thou lo&039;es nane before ;

and a&039; ay days o&039; life to e

i&039;l gratefully adore thee,

beyond thee, c

the bonie wee thg

chor—bonie wee thg, cannie wee thg,

lovely wee thg, wert thou e,

i wad wear thee y bo,

lest y jewel it should te

wishfully i look and nguish

that bonie face o&039; the,

and y heart it stounds wi&039; anguish,

lest y wee thg be na e

bonie wee thg, c

wit, and grace, and love, and beauty,

ae nsteltion she;

to adore thee is y duty,

goddess o&039; this ul o&039; e!

bonie wee thg, c

