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E O Th L M B O M(1 / 1)

elegy on the te iss bur of onboddo

life ne&039;er exulted rich a prize,

as bur, lovely fro her native skies;

nor envio death triuph&039;d a blow,

as that which id th&039; aoplish&039;d bur low

thy for and d, sweet aid, can i fet?

richest ore the brightest jewel set!

thee, high heaven above was truest shown,

as by his noblest work the godhead best is known

va ye funt sur&039;s pride, ye groves;

thou crystal strealet with thy flowery shore,

ye woodnd choir that chaunt your idle loves,

ye cease to char; eliza is no ore

ye healthy wastes, iix&039;d with reedy fens;

ye ossy streas, with sed and rhes stor&039;d:

ye rugd cliffs, o&039;erhangg dreary glens,

to you i fly—ye with y ul aord

prces, whose cub&039;ro pride was all their worth,

shall venal ys their popo exit hail,

and thou, sweet excellence! forsake our earth,

and not a e with honest grief bewail?

we saw thee she youth and beauty&039;s pride,

and virtue&039;s light, that beas beyond the spheres;

but, like the sun eclips&039;d at orng tide,

thou left darklg a world of tears

the parent&039;s heart that nestled fond thee,

that heart how sunk, a prey to grief and care;

deckt the woodbe sweet yon ad tree;

, fro it ravish&039;d, leaves it bleak and bare

