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Th E h(1 / 1)

the epitaph

s, passenr! y story&039;s brief,

and truth i shall rete, an;

i tell nae on tale o&039; grief,

for atthew was a great an

if thou unon rit hast,

yet spurn&039;d at fortune&039;s door, an;

a look of pity hither cast,

for atthew was a poor an

if thou a noble dr art,

that passest by this grave, an;

there oulders here a galnt heart,

for atthew was a brave an

if thou on n, their works and ways,

canst throw unon light, an;

here lies wha weel had won thy praise,

for atthew was a bright an

if thou, at friendship&039;s sacred ca&039;,

wad life itself resign, an:

thy sypathetic tear aun fa&039;,

for atthew was a kd an

if thou art staunch, without a sta,

like the unchangg be, an;

this was a ksan o&039; thy a,

for atthew was a true an

if thou hast wit, and fun, and fire,

and ne&039;er guid e did fear, an;

this was thy billie, da, and sire,

for atthew was a eer an

if ony whiggish, whg&039; t,

to b poor atthew dare, an;

ay dool and rrow be his lot,

for atthew was a rare an

but now, his radiant urse is run,

for atthew&039;s was a bright one!

his ul was like the glorio sun,

a atchless, heavenly light, an

