
搜索 繁体

S —Sh F A F(1 / 1)

ng—she&039;s fair and fae

she&039;s fair and fae that caes y sart,

i lo&039;ed her ikle and ng;

she&039;s broken her vow, she&039;s broken y heart,

and i ay e&039;en gae hang

a of ca wi&039; routh o&039; ar,

and i hae tt y dearest dear;

but woan is but warld&039;s ar,

sae let the bonie ss gang

whae&039;er ye be that woan love,

to this be never bld;

nae ferlie &039;tis tho&039; fickle she prove,

a woan has&039;t by kd

o woan lovely, woan fair!

an anl for&039;s faun to thy share,

&039;ad been o&039;er ikle to gi&039;en thee air—

i an an anl d

