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E T R G h E O F(2 / 3)

nature is not ite a turk,

she ugh&039;d at first, then felt for her poor work:

pityg the propless cliber of ankd,

she cast about a standard tree to fd;

and, to support his helpless woodbe state,

attach&039;d hi to the nero, truly great:

a title, and the only one i ci,

to y strong hold for help on bounteo graha

pity the tuneful es&039; hapless tra,

weak, tiid ndsn on life&039;s story a!

their hearts no selfish stern abrbent stuff,

that never gives—tho&039; hubly takes enough;

the little fate allows, they share as on,

unlike sa proverb&039;d wisdo&039;s hard-wrung boon:

the world were blest did bliss on the depend,

ah, that “the friendly e&039;er should want a friend!”

let prudence nuber o&039;er each sturdy n,

who life and wisdo at one race begun,

who feel by rean and who give by rule,

(stct&039;s a brute, and sentint a fool!)

who ake poor “will do” wait upon “i should”—

we own they&039;re prudent, but who feels they&039;re good?

ye wise ones hence! ye hurt the cial eye!

god&039;s ia rudely etch&039;d on base alloy!

but e ye who the godlike pleasure know,

heaven&039;s attribute distguished—to bestow!

whose ars of love would grasp the huan race:

e thou who giv&039;st with all a urtier&039;s grace;

friend of y life, true patron of y rhys!

prop of y dearest hopes for future tis

why shrks y ul half bshg, half afraid,

backward, abash&039;d to ask thy friendly aid?

i know y need, i know thy givg hand,

i crave thy friendship at thy kd and;

but there are such who urt the tuneful ne—

heavens! should the branded character be e!

whose verse anhood&039;s pride sublily flows,

yet vilest reptiles their beggg prose

ark, how their lofty dependent spirit

ars on the spurng g of jured rit!

seek not the proofs

