
搜索 繁体

S —M P Ch(1 / 1)

ng—y peggy&039;s chars

tune—“tha a&039; chailleach ir o dheigh”

y peggy&039;s face, y peggy&039;s for,

the frost of herit a ight war;

y peggy&039;s worth, y peggy&039;s d,

ight char the first of huan kd

i love y peggy&039;s anl air,

her face truly heavenly fair,

her native grace, void of art,

but i adore y peggy&039;s heart

the lily&039;s hue, the rose&039;s dye,

the kdlg stre of an eye;

who but owns their agic sway!

who but knows they all decay!

the tender thrill, the pityg tear,

the nero purpose nobly dear,

the ntle look that ra disars—

these are all iortal chars

