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E O Th D h O S J H B(1 / 2)

elegy on the death of sir jas hunter bir

the p of day, with—ill presagg gre,

di, cloudy, sank beneath the western wave;

th&039; nstant bst howl&039;d thro&039; the dark&039;ng air,

and hollow whistled the rocky cave

lone as i wander&039;d by each cliff and dell,

once the lov&039;d haunts of stia&039;s royal tra;

or &039;d where lipid streas, once hallow&039;d well,

or ould&039;rg rus ark the sacred fane

th&039; creasg bst roar&039;d round the beetlg rocks,

the clouds swift-g&039;d flew o&039;er the starry sky,

the groang trees untily shed their locks,

and shootg teors caught the startled eye

the paly oon rose the livid east

and &039;ong the cliffs disclos&039;d a stately for

weeds of woe, that frantic beat her breast,

and ix&039;d her wailgs with the ravg stor

wild to y heart the filial pulses glow,

&039;as caledonia&039;s trophied shield i view&039;d:

her for ajestic droop&039;d pensive woe,

the lightng of her eye tears ibued

revers&039;d that spear, redoubtable war,

recled that banner, erst fields unfurl&039;d,

that like a deathful teor glea&039;d afar,

and brav&039;d the ighty onarchs of the world

“y patriot n fills an untily grave!”

with aents wild and lifted ars she cried;

“low lies the hand oft was stretch&039;d to save,

low lies the heart that swell&039;d with honest pride

“a weepg untry jos a widow&039;s tear;

the helpless poor ix with the orphan&039;s cry;

the droopg arts surround their patron&039;s bier;

and grateful science heaves the heartfelt sigh!

“i saw y ns resu their ancient fire;

i saw fair freedo&039;s bloss richly blow:

but ah! how hope is born but to expire!

relentless fate has id their guardian low

“y patriot falls: but shall he lie unsung,

while epty greatness saves a wort

