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S —Y W M M(1 / 1)

ng—yon wild ossy ountas

yon wild ossy ountas sae lofty and wide,

that nurse their bo the youth o&039; the clyde,

where the groe lead their veys thro&039; the heather to feed,

and the shepherd tends his flock as he pipes on his reed

not gowrie&039;s rich valley, nor forth&039;s sunny shores,

to hae the chars o&039;yon wild, ossy oors;

for there, by a nely, seestered strea,

besides a sweet ssie, y thought and y drea

aang thae wild ountas shall still be y path,

ilk strea foag down its a green, narrow strath;

for there, wi&039; y ssie, the day ng i rove,

while o&039;er unheeded flie the swift hours o&039;love

she is not the fairest, altho&039; she is fair;

o&039; nice education but sa&039; is her share;

her parenta huble as huble can be;

but i lo&039;e the dear ssie becae she lo&039;es

to beauty what an but aun yield hi a prize,

her arour of gnces, and bshes, and sighs?

and when wit and refent hae polish&039;d her darts,

they dazzle our een, as they flie to our hearts

but kdness, sweet kdness, the fond-sparklg e&039;e,

has stre outshg the diaond to ;

and the heart beatg love as i&039; csp&039;d her ars,

o, these are y ssie&039;s all-nerg chars!

