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E T A Y F(1 / 2)

epistle to a young friend

ay __, 1786

i ng hae thought, y youthfu&039; friend,

a thg to have sent you,

tho&039; it should serve nae ither end

than jt a kd nto:

but how the subject-the ay gang,

let ti and chance detere;

perhaps it ay turn out a sang:

perhaps turn out a seron

ye&039;ll try the world on, y d;

and, andrew dear, believe ,

ye&039;ll fd ankd an un sad,

and uckle they ay grieve ye:

for care and trouble set your thought,

ev&039;n when your end&039;s attaed;

and a&039; your views ay e to nought,

where ev&039;ry nerve is straed

i&039;ll no say, n are vils a&039;;

the real, harden&039;d wicked,

wha hae nae check but huan w,

are to a few restricked;

but, och! ankd are un weak,

an&039; little to be trted;

if self the waverg bance shake,

it&039;s rarely right adjted!

yet they wha fa&039; fortune&039;s strife,

their fate we shouldna censure;

for still, th&039; iportant end of life

they eally ay answer;

a an ay hae an honest heart,

tho&039; poortith hourly stare hi;

a an ay tak a neibor&039;s part,

yet hae nae cash to spare hi

aye free, aff-han&039;, your story tell,

when wi&039; a bo crony;

but still keep thg to yoursel&039;,

ye scarcely tell to ony:

nceal yoursel&039; as weel&039;s ye can

frae critical dissection;

but keek thro&039; ev&039;ry other an,

wi&039; sharpen&039;d, sly spection

the sacred lowe o&039; weel-pc&039;d love,

xuriantly dul it;

but never tept th&039; illicit rove,

tho&039; naethg should divul it:

i waive the antu o&039; the s,

the hazard of ncealg;

but, och! it hardens a&039; with,

and petrifies the feelg!

to catch da fortune&039;s golden sile,

assiduo wait upon her;

and gather ar b

