
搜索 繁体

Th V(3 / 6)

native nd

there, where a sceptr&039;d pictish shade

stalk&039;d round his ashes lowly id,

i ark&039;d a artial race, pourtray&039;d

lours strong:

bold, ldier-featur&039;d, undisay&039;d,

they strode along

thro&039; any a wild, roantic grove,

near any a herit-fancied ve

(fit haunts for friendship or for love,

g ood),

an ad jud, i saw hi rove,

dispensg good

with deep-struck, reverential awe,

the learned sire and n i saw:

to nature&039;s god, and nature&039;s w,

they gave their lore;

this, all its urce and end to draw,

that, to adore

brydon&039;s brave ward i well uld spy,

beneath old stia&039;s silg eye:

who call&039;d on fa, low standg by,

to hand hi on,

where any a patriot-na on high,

and hero shone

duan send

with g-deep, astonish&039;d stare,

i view&039;d the heavenly-seeg fair;

a whisperg throb did witness bear

of kdred sweet,

when with an elder sister&039;s air

she did greet

“all hail! y own spired bard!

thy native e regard;

nor lonr ourn thy fate is hard,

th poorly low;

i e to give thee such reward,

as we bestow!

“know, the great ni of this nd

has any a light aerial band,

who, all beneath his high and,


as arts or ars they understand,

their bours ply

“they stia&039;s race aong the share:

fire the ldier on to dare;

roe the patriot up to bare

rruption&039;s heart:

teach the bard—a darlg care—

the tuneful art

“&039;ong swellg floods of reekg gore,

they, ardent, kdlg spirits pour;

or, &039;id the venal senate&039;s roar,

they, sightless, stand,

to nd the honest patriot-lore,

and grace the hand

“and when the bard, or hoary sa,

char or struct the future a,


