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S h D(3 / 3)


an&039; gouts tornt hi, ch by ch,

what ists his gruntle wi&039; a gnch

o&039; ur disda,

out owre a gss o&039; whisky-punch

wi&039; honest n!

o whisky! ul o&039; pys and pranks!

aept a bardie&039;s gratfu&039; thanks!

when wantg thee, what tuneless cranks

are y poor verses!

thou es—they rattle their ranks,

at ither&039;s a-s!

thee, fertosh! o sadly lost!

stnd nt frae ast to ast!

now lic grips, an&039; bark hoast

ay kill a&039;;

for loyal forbes&039; charter&039;d boast

is ta&039;en awa?

thae curst horse-leeches o&039; the&039; excise,

wha ak the whisky stells their prize!

haud up thy han&039;, deil! ance, ice, thrice!

there, seize the blkers!

an&039; bake the up brunstane pies

for poor dan&039;d drkers

fortune! if thou&039;ll but gie still

hale breeks, a sne, an&039; whisky gill,

an&039; rowth o&039; rhy to rave at will,

tak a&039; the rest,

an&039; deal&039;t about as thy bld skill

directs thee best

