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Th C S N h(2 / 5)

o help her parents dear, if they hardship be

with joy unfeign&039;d, brothers and sisters et,

and each for other&039;s weelfare kdly speirs:

the cial hours, swift-g&039;d, unnotic&039;d fleet:

each tells the uns that he sees or hears

the parents, partial, eye their hopeful years;

anticipation forward pots the view;

the other, wi&039; her needle and her shears,

gars auld ces look aaist as weel&039;s the new;

the father ixes a&039; wi&039; adonition due

their aster&039;s and their istress&039; and,

the younkers a&039; are warned to obey;

and d their bours wi&039; an eydent hand,

and ne&039;er, tho&039; out o&039; sight, to jauk or py;

“and o! be sure to fear the lord alway,

and d your duty, duly, orn and night;

lest teptation&039;s path ye gang astray,

iplore his unsel and assistg ight:

they never ught va that ught the lord aright”

but hark! a rap es ntly to the door;

jenny, wha kens the ang o&039; the sa,

tells how a neibor d ca o&039;er the oor,

to do errands, and nvoy her ha

the wily other sees the nscio f

sparkle jenny&039;s e&039;e, and fsh her cheek;

with heart-struck anxio care, enires his na,

while jenny haffls is afraid to speak;

weel-pleased the other hears, it&039;s nae wild, worthless rake

wi&039; kdly wele, jenny brgs hi ben;

a strapp youth, he takes the other&039;s eye;

blythe jenny sees the visit&039;s no ill ta&039;en;

the father cracks of horses, pleughs, and kye

the youngster&039;s artless heart o&039;erflows wi&039; joy,

but bte an&039; ithfu&039;, scarce can weel behave;

the other, wi&039; a woan&039;s wiles, can spy

what akes the youth sae bashfu&039; and sae grave,

weel-pleas&039;d to thk her bairn&039;s respected like the ve

o happy love! where love like this is found:

o heart-fe

