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H(6 / 7)

or station life—rb]

she gies the herd a pickle nits,

an&039; a red cheekit apples,

to watch, while for the barn she sets,

hopes to see ta kipples

that vera night

she turns the key wi&039; cannie thraw,

an&039;owre the threshold ventures;

but first on sawnie gies a ca&039;,

syne baudly she enters:

a ratton rattl&039;d up the wa&039;,

an&039; she cry&039;d lord preserve her!

an&039; ran thro&039; idden-hole an&039; a&039;,

an&039; pray&039;d wi&039; zeal and fervour,

fu&039; fast that night

they hoy&039;t out will, wi&039; sair advice;

they hecht hi fe braw ane;

it chanc&039;d the stack he faddo&039;t thrice

was tir-propt for thra:

he taks a swirlie auld oss-oak

for bck, groo carl;

an&039; loot a ze, an&039; drew a stroke,

till sk blypes ca haurl

aff&039;s nieves that night

a wanton widow leezie was,

as cantie as a kittlen;

but och! that night, aang the shaws,

she gat a fearfu&039; settl!

she thro&039; the whs, an&039; by the cairn,

an&039; owre the hill gaed scriev;

whare three irds&039; n&039;s t at a burn,

to dip her left sark-sleeve ,

was bent that night

whiles owre a ln the burnie pys,

as thro&039; the glen it wipl&039;t;

whiles round a rocky scar it strays,

whiles a wiel it dipl&039;t;

whiles glitter&039;d to the nightly rays,

wi&039; bicker&039;, danc&039; dazzle;

whiles okit undeneath the braes,

below the spreadg hazel

unseen that night

aang the brachens, on the brae,

beeen her an&039; the oon,

the deil, or else an outler ey,

gat up an&039; ga&039;e a croon:

poor leezie&039;s heart aist p the hool;

near v&039;rock-height she jupit,

but ist a fit, an&039; the pool

out-owre the gs she ppit,

wi&039; a pn that nig

