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P(2 / 2)

till now, aaist on ev&039;ry knowe

ye&039;ll fd ane pc&039;d;

an&039; their new-light fair avow,

jt ite barefac&039;d

nae doubt the auld-light flocks are bleat;

their zealo herds are vex&039;d an&039; sweat;

ysel&039;, i&039;ve even seen the greet

wi&039; girn spite,

to hear the oon sae sadly lied on

by word an&039; write

but shortly they will we the louns!

auld-light herds neebor touns

are d&039;t, thgs they ca&039; balloons,

to tak a flight;

an&039; stay ae onth aang the oons

an&039; see the right

guid observation they will gie the;

an&039; when the auld oon&039;s gaun to lea&039;e the,

the hdaist shaird, they&039;ll fetch it wi&039; the

jt i&039; their pouch;

an&039; when the new-light billies see the,

i thk they&039;ll crouch!

sae, ye observe that a&039; this ctter

is naethg but a “oonshe atter”;

but tho&039; dull prose-folk t sptter

logic tulyie,

i hope we bardies ken better

than d sic brulyie

