i srn&039;d to lie;
gat the whissle o&039; y groat,
an&039; pay&039;t the fee
but by y gun, o&039; guns the wale,
an&039; by y pouther an&039; y hail,
an&039; by y hen, an&039; by her tail,
i vow an&039; swear!
the ga shall pay, o&039;er uir an&039; dale,
for this, niest year
as on&039;s the clock-ti is by,
an&039; the wee pouts begun to cry,
lord, i&039;se hae sportg by an&039; by
for y gowd guea,
tho&039; i should herd the bucksk kye
for&039;t virgia
trowth, they had uckle for to b!
&039;as neither broken g nor lib,
but a-three draps about the wa,
scarce thro&039; the feathers;
an&039; baith a yellow e to ci,
an&039; thole their blethers!
it pits aye as ad&039;s a hare;
i can rhy nor write nae air;
but pennyworths aga is fair,
when ti&039;s expedient:
anwhile i a, respected sir,
your ost obedient